




公開質問状 ユネスコ殿 IUCN殿













「世界遺産の価値というのは、顕著で普遍的な価値といわれる。その一つにクロウサギをはじめとするこの地域にしか棲んでいない生き物というのがある。その数が増えていようが減っていようが、個体が食べられている。それ自体が世界自然遺産登録にマイナスになると我々は感じています」(環境省奄美野生生物保護センター) 文春記事より








理事長 佐上邦久(さがみくにひさ)


An Open Letter to UNESCO / IUCN

Public Interest Incorported Foundation Doubutukikin

Director Kunihisa Sagami

We are a Japanese nonprofit approved by the Japanese Cabinet Office called Doubutukikin (meaning “Animal Fund” in Japanese), dedicated to animal welfare especially for cats and dogs.

I am writing to you with regards to the feral cat issue in Amami Oshima Island, Kagoshima, Japan.

In March 2019, it has been revealed that the number of Amami Rabbits, which has always been in the center of the discussion on feral cats management in the island, has dramatically increased during the period from 2003 to 2015. According to the data obtained from the Ministry of Environment, the estimated number of the rabbit was 15,221 to 39,780 in 2015. Before this information disclosure prompted by Asahi Shinbun, a major news agency in Japan, the Ministry had been consistently telling the public that the number of Amami rabbits was estimated to be between 2,000 and 4,800, continuously citing their survey back in 2003.

Upon receiving this piece of information, we have submitted a request for suspension of killing feral cats in the island to the Minster of the Environment, Minister of Finance, Governor of Kagoshima Prefecture and 5 mayors of Amami Oshima Island. You could access the full text of the press release here: https://www.doubutukikin.or.jp/activitynews/a-request-for-suspension-of-killing-feral-cats-in-amami-oshima-island-has-been-sent/.

Please note, the Ministry and other authorities which were involved in the establishment of the Plan had never made this information open to the public before the information disclosure in March 2019. This may well invite suspicions of duplicity from anyone interested in the issue, even from those who supported the Plan without knowing the updated estimate.

Given the fact that the number of Amami Rabbits has immensely increased without doing anything notable to do with feral cats, we would like to ask you the following questions.

  1. Do you think feral cats in Amami Oshima Island can exterminate Amami Rabbits? We would like to hear your thoughts behind your answer as well.
  2. Do you think the “Feral Cats Management Plan in Amami Oshima Island for Ecosystem Conservation” is appropriate? Do you think of any point to be improved? We would like to hear your thoughts behind your answers as well.
  3. In an interview with a Japanese weekly magazine called Shukan Bunshun, Ministry of Environment answered that the opinion of UNESCO and IUCN is the following;

“The value of World Heritage is said to be notable and universal. Among them are those animals that only live in this area such as Amami Rabbits. Whether the numbers of those animals are on the increase or decrease, they are eaten. This fact itself, we feel, has a negative impact on the registration as a World Natural Heritage.”

(Amami Wildlife Conservation Center) An excerpt from Shukan Bunshun.

Is this understanding of Ministry of Environment correct? If you think, as the Ministry recognizes, the fact that the endemic animals are eaten has a negative impact on the registration as a World Natural Heritage irrespective of whether the number of those endemic animals is increasing or decreasing, we would like you to enlighten us on how the presence or absence of predation, instead of the increase or decrease of the population of the endemic species, could impact the value of a World Heritage.

  1. Have you heard from the Japanese Government that the number of Amami Rabbits had increased ten-fold maximum over the 12 years from 2003 to 2015 without expelling cats? If yes, when did you hear about it?
  2. UNESCO’s principles include “respect for diversity,” “inclusion” and “building peace in the minds of men and women.” Expelling and killing a number of feral cats in Amami Oshima Island appears to run against such principles of UNESCO.

We have been appealing for reconsideration of the Plan, based on our conviction that extermination of feral cats in Amami Oshima Island is an inhumane and meaningless measure that lacks scientific ground. In light of your respected principles, would you advise the Japanese Government to halt the extermination of feral cats and to revisit the Plan?

  1. On 12th June, we have organized a gathering at the Diet Members’ Office Building. At the gathering which many Diet members participated, a number of contradictions of the Plan have been pointed out. We have adopted an appeal based on our discussion, and took it to the Ministry of Environment. As such, as the discussion about the issue has been deepening in Japan, please allow us to share your responses to this letter with the general public both inside and outside of Japan.


Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Doubutukikin



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